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"We envision a holistic transformation of each individual student through comprehensive education, ultimately leading to the positive transformation of society."


We strive to achieve the following:


The school seeks to inspire the child to internalize the moral values through integrated moral education programmes so as to achieve the moral development of the child. The school firmly upholds the moral virtues such as determination, integrity, commitment, simplicity, sincerity, self-discipline, sacrifice, sanctity, and service.


The school seeks to accomplish the social development of the child through
inculcation of social values and by providing realistic social learning environment in the classrooms in order or develop his or her social abilities. Towards this end, the school seeks to promote the universally recognized social values such as love, charity, unity, fraternity, tolerance, peace, harmony, non-violence, interdependence, and global thinking irrespective of caste, creed, community, colour, continent etc.


Lastly the school seeks to provide physical learning environment, through games and sport activities, which is conducive for the child to develop his/her physical abilities so as to achieve the physical development of the child.


The school strives to stimulate the intellectual or mental development of the child by providing the knowledge of various disciplines based on the prescribed curriculum in the

medium of English.


The school seeks to encourage the child – centered teaching techniques and strategies to perform at the top of his/her intrinsic ability so as to help the child develop his / her latent cognitive and psychomotor skills. The school also seeks to develop intellectual versatility in the child through participation in various co-curricular competitions.


The school seeks to bring about true spiritual development of the child through value education in accordance with the noble teachings of the Divine Incarnate and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Towards this end, the school attempts to uphold the universally recognized spiritual belief that the Divine Power alone can enlighten and transform the child into a productive wholesome individual who would in turn be able to facilitate the transformation of the society.

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